A Rich Cultural Life in the Burdekin

Currently preparing for my return trip to Burdekin Shire, to continue the planning process for the new Arts and Cultural Strategy. The region already has an active arts community and a lively cultural life so the challenge becomes how to consolidate and build on this strong foundation to enhance personal and community well-being and prosperity. Seven days of intensive consultation and a community-wide survey should help provide some clarity and direction for this challenge. Love it.

Happy Return To The Towers

Happy return to the Charters Towers Region last week – quintessential North Queensland country. Along with some RADF training and a workshop on Creative Collaboration, one of the main reasons for my visit was to do some research on how to more effectively promote locally produced cultural activities and events to residents and visitors in the region. This is an issue which arose out of the consultation process for the Arts & Cultural Investment Plan – and one that is a challenge for most of the regions I visit. Already some interesting feedback which will help to shape a fresh planned approach to community communications. So good to be back on the road. Thanks CTRC for the opportunity – and Earl for the painting!

The newly refurbish Charters Towers Post Office

Charters Towers Sets The New Normal For Investment in Arts & Culture

It’s been a little time in the baking but happily Charters Towers Regional Council has now formally adopted a new Arts and Cultural Investment Policy and Plan. The documents outline the vision, direction and priorities for investment arts and cultural development over the next five years. This sits comfortably alongside the other responsibilities of Council as the 4th pillar of community sustainability. It can only be a good thing for the future well-being and prosperity of the community. At the same time Council also adopted a new Public Art Investment Policy. Charters Towers Region is certainly setting the bar for the new normal. Congratulations.

A New Era For Cultural Development in the Gladstone Region

The Gladstone Region is poised for a new era of Arts and Cultural development with the delivery of the new policy and plan. After many months of consultation, research and review the Plan, when finally adopted, will chart the strategic direction for development in the region over the next five years. The Region has a rich cultural heritage, an active arts and cultural program and more than its share of artist, artisans and arts workers. With well directed investment, arts and culture will sit comfortably alongside social, economic and environmental domains as the forth pillar of sustainability.

New Drivers for Outback Cultural Development

The new ubeat Paroo Shire Arts and Cultural Policy and Plan are now finalised, designed and delivered. This region is a very special part of Outback Queensland with a rich cultural heritage and an abundance of creative enthusiasm. Hopefully the new policy and plan will help provide the platform and pathways to a very liveable and visitable future. Thank you to all contributors. It was a joy to live like a local for a little while. Go well.

Gladstone Cultural Plan Takes Shape

Per capita I have to say that there is a great deal going on in the Gladstone Region in the realm of arts and culture. With the new Arts and Cultural Plan now taking shape I reckon there could be a whole lot more happening in the years to come. Look forward to heading back up there shortly to present the work in progress and get some feedback. No doubt arts and culture is poised to play a key role in the vitality and liveability of this beautiful part of the world.  Opposite is a snapshot of just some of the fine public art that garnishes the character of the region.

Gladstone Region Votes on Arts & Culture

Back in the Gladstone Region last week finishing off the research and consultation process for the new arts & cultural policy and plan. Another round of stimulating conversations with the cultural champions of the region. Got the results of the community survey in too – 100% of respondents from across the region reckon that a vital arts and cultural life is important  – amongst other good things. Not a bad foundation to work from. Got all the info I need now; just have to write it all up in some kind of meaningful way and get the ball rolling on the next exciting chapter of arts and cultural development in the region. Per capita there’s already a great deal going on. It’s onwards and upwards from here.

Image: Pep’s Gifts & Souvenirs, Goondoon St Gladstone. Artist Unacknowledged
Photograph: Stephen Clark

Quilpie Cultural Plan Adopted

DSC_0276 web Very happy to report that the Quilpie Arts and Cultural Plan which I have been working on over the past few months has been adopted by Council. My thanks to all those community and cultural champions who contributed. The arts and cultural life in the Shire is alive and thriving and hopefully the Plan will build on all this wonderful work and help to enhance the vitality of this quintessential Outback Shire.

Quilpie Arts & Cultural Plan