Training + Development

Arts & Cultural Business and Management Workshop Menu

The following training options have been developed especially, but not exclusively, for the arts, culture and events sectors. Many of these workshops are suitable for all parts of the community. Each option can be customised to suite your specific requirements or, if you need something different, workshops can be crafted to meet your particular needs.

Participants receive a workbook, information and materials and leave with a better understanding, greater insight and a bag of tools to apply to their own situations.

Meditation and Creativity

This foundation practical workshop explores the connection between mind, meditation and creativity. It is for curious artists who would like to gain an understanding of how meditation can help refresh an approach to a creative practice, deal with blocks, doubts and fears, as well as open up new creative possibilities. In this workshop several meditation techniques are explored, some practical exercises are undertaken and the links with current scientific research are discussed. Participants will develop a better understanding of how meditation can be a helpful aid to creativity and take away some mindfulness methods and tips to enhance their creative practice. - 2 hrs live or online via Zoom
This series of practical 90 minute classes explores the connection between mind, meditation and creativity and addresses the many personal barriers and impediments that can impact on a flourishing, sustainable creative practice. It is for curious artists who want to develop some practical mindful methods to help to deal with day to day challenges in their practice and also dig deeper into the essential relationship between mind, body and creativity. Through this workshop series, after some foundation work, various meditation techniques are explored, some practical exercises are undertaken and the links with current scientific research are discussed. Participants will develop a deep understanding of how meditation can help to develop and sustain their creative practice and take away a number of helpful methods and tips to underpin the becoming of a mindful artist. - 5 x 90 minute online sessions via Zoom OR - 2 x 3 hr live sessions

Training and Development – How To Workshops

Are you an artist? Are you in business? Artists sometimes have difficulty thinking of themselves as a business. However, if you want to make money from your work and/or see your career grow, it is important to give some thought to basic business principles. This workshop is about taking more of a business-like perspective of your career development, covering a range of introductory topics to get your thinking started. Following a brief introduction to the arts business world, participants will cover the essentials of preparation and planning. A number of business models are discussed along with the basics of setting up a business and some practice in developing a profile. Participants will go away with an understanding of how to go about establishing an arts business and what it takes to run a functioning small enterprise.
You’ve got the great idea and you’re keen to get underway but how do you secure the funding support you need to make it happen? It is competitive out there and knowing how to prepare and write a quality grant application will maximise your chances of success. This workshop will help to demystify the process of grant writing and provide you with the tools you need to increase your chances of funding success. It will provide you with a sound, step by step method to ensure that your idea is well founded, is the right fit with program guidelines and is clearly articulated. Together with tips on writing, goal setting, budgeting and evaluation, this straightforward approach will help to improve your chances of winning the support you need to get your great idea off the ground.
Securing funding and finding sponsorship for an art project or event can be a tough job. While it is tempting to take a scatter gun approach to fundraising and see what comes back, a little more method in the madness might increase your chances of success. This workshop identifies and discusses the different areas of funding opportunities that are available, outlining a clear step by step process to identify and target potential sponsors and partners. Like most things, a carefully considered and targeted approach will likely yield more benefits than an unplanned last minute rush. With a bit of forethought and a good plan, securing the support you need may not be as hard as you think.
How to connect with the marketplace and potential customers can be a challenging and perplexing question for visual artists. There are many options but how do you identify the right opportunities and take best advantage of them? This workshop aims to prepare artists to better market their visual arts/crafts practice. It will introduce participants to the essential principles of marketing, provide an understanding of the art world and arts customers and discuss the key elements of the marketing toolkit including pricing, promotion, distribution and branding. There is also a special segment about marketing and selling online. The workshop provides visual artists/crafters with the foundation information needed to better identify market opportunities and connect with the marketplace in order to enhance their arts business prospects.
Marketing for many people is a mystery, a buzz word which encompasses a multitude of sins. In essence, marketing is all about getting a better connection between buyer and seller so that both are happy to do business. With this insight, one happy customer can lead to many more. This workshop explains what the mystery of marketing is all about in easy to understand (and apply) terms. Participants will gain an insight into the principles of marketing, learn how to identify and make a better connection with customers and get some practical advice on writing a marketing plan. Most importantly, the idea of marketing will be demystified.
Managing the message is the mark of a successful business and making better use of the media is the key to managing your communications effectively. In this workshop participants are introduced to the communications mix or the range of ways you can use the media to get your message out to the people you want to talk to. In addition to identifying the different ways you can use the media, participants will gain some valuable practice in developing a media plan and writing a media release. Managing the message is managing the media: knowing what you want to say, how best to say it, who you want to talk to, and how best to get the message out into the public arena.
Big or small arts projects require good management and attention to detail to be successful. Having a good plan takes the mystery out of the process, the uncertainty out of coordination and some of the pain out of delivery. This workshop introduces the principles of effective project management and explains how a little method to the madness will help to produce a better result. At the end of the session students will understand the importance of planning and the steps in the project planning process as well as have practical understanding of writing up a project profile and a project management plan.
What could go wrong with planning a big party, fundraiser, sporting event or community celebration? Plenty if you do not have a good plan. Like most things, staging a successful special event or festival requires careful thought and planning. This workshop looks at the process of planning special events or festivals as the important first step for event organisers. It covers the ways to develop viable event ideas, the steps in the planning process and the important things to think about during implementation. Participants will gain a better insight into the principles of event management as well as a practical understanding of planning, organisation, implementation and event evaluation.
You have the project or event but who is your audience and how do you get them there? This one day intensive workshop will outline the essential principles of marketing and promotion and ensure that you have the right tools to connect with the right audience. Event or project marketing it part art and part science. Having a better understanding or marketing and a practical marketing toolbox will help to maximise your prospects of success.
For many artists making the art comes a lot easier than managing the finances. You’ve got the creative side of things covered but managing the money is still a bit of a mystery. This workshop is designed to take the mystery out of budgeting and financial management and help you gain better control over your arts business. You’ll cover off the principles of setting and monitoring budgets as well as the nuts and bolts of cash flow and keeping good financial records. At the end of the session you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and the practical tools to effectively manage the financial side of your business. No mystery about managing the money any more.
What comes next after setting up your arts business? Planning! There is no truer adage in business that ‘failing to plan is planning to fail.’ A business plan is a pathway to a successful business, charting a course through an often bumpy and unpredictable business world. This introductory workshop provides participants with an overview of the purpose and structure of a business plan. It takes a step by step approach to writing a plan and outlines in detail the key elements of a complete plan. At the end of the workshop participants will understand the benefits of a business plan and have the structure and tools needed to write a plan for their arts business.
How do you choose the right pathway through the maze of cultural interests and ideas? Developing a cultural policy or plan for your community can be tough going if the process is not clear or well managed. Like all kinds of planning, creating a cultural policy or plan can be made simple if approached in the right way. This workshop begins with a visioning process which becomes the guiding light for choosing the right goals and strategies to realise the cultural aspirations for your community. The process of developing the plan ensures that all interests and ideas are considered so everybody ends up singing from the same song book.
Interested in setting up a not-for-profit Association? What does it mean? What does it take? It’s not so difficult and could provide you and your group many benefits and some protection. Before leaping into it however, this workshop will provide you with an essential understanding of what it takes to set up an Association and the steps in the planning and formation process. It will explain the roles and responsibilities of members and office bearers and highlight the values and benefits of becoming a formal entity. To complete the picture, an introduction to the principles of good governance will ensure that you fully understand what it takes to set up and run an Association and what you will need to do to make it successful and sustainable.
There just aren’t enough places to show your art! Artist’s are constantly on the lookout for venue’s to show and/or make their work and are often disappointed when there are ‘no vacancies’. Here’s an option – run your own space. This workshop introduces the idea of cooperative art spaces – venues, galleries and spaces that are run by artists for artists. It discusses the principles, values and practicalities of cooperative spaces and reviews a number of possible business structures. Whether you are part of a likeminded group of two, five, ten or more this workshop will provide you with the foundation to turn your cooperative idea into reality – and finally find place to work and exhibit!
Running an Association effectively can sometimes be challenging. Alongside the normal business of the organisation there are rules and regulations, roles and responsibilities, compliances and accountabilities to deal with. If you are looking for fresh insight and a better understanding of what will help to keep things running smoothly, then this workshop is for you. The workshop covers the key areas of Association management including planning, organising, working together and monitoring progress. It also provides practical tips on running good meetings and dealing with issues like risk management, conflict of interest, and membership. You’ll gain valuable insight into your Association and how it’s running and take away a suite of tools, tips and techniques to help to make things run more effectively.
Running a workshop for other artists or students can be a stimulating, sharing experience and another way to augment your income. However, this can be easier said than done. A successful workshop requires consideration, careful planning, and the desire and ability to share your skills and knowledge with others. In this workshop participants will learn about the role of a facilitator, how to prepare and plan for a workshop as well gain valuable insight into managing group dynamics and evaluating the learning experience. It is all the things you need to know about planning and managing a successful workshop.
Making art is the start of the artist’s journey into successful business. If you want to take your work outside the studio into the public arena then it is essential to have the confidence to talk about your work and acquire the essential skills to write about, document and present your work. The workshop provides participants with: a practical understanding of how to effectively write about their art and the foundation skills needed to capture high quality images without the need for expensive equipment. It also discusses various options for presentation, depending on the situation. If you are needing the skills and confidence to take better advantage of opportunities that may arise beyond your studio, then this is the workshop for you.
If you are planning a community event, festival or public arts project it may be important to get the input and support of your community or interest group. Community consultation sessions can be challenging to run if the process is not well planned or facilitated. This workshop will provide valuable insight into the processes and techniques required to plan, present and facilitate a group consultation session to ensure that objectives are understood, issues are clarified, views are heard and accommodated and an agreed outcome is reached. With a shared understanding and agreement, you can be sure that your idea is in line with the best interests of your community.
Whether you are thinking of creating or responding to a brief for a permanent, temporary or ephemeral public art work, there are many things to think about and prepare for. This How To workshop looks at the management of a public art work from concept to closure and evaluation. It covers preparation, planning, budgeting, risk management, fabrication, installation, insurances, maintenance and host of other issues you will need to consider if your project is to be a success. If public art is your thing, then this workshop will prepare you to be able to fully respond to a brief and be fully organised to manage your project.
Making art is the start of the artist’s journey into successful business. If you want to take your work outside the studio into the public arena then it is important to have the confidence to talk about your work and acquire the essential skills to write about your work for different purposes and platforms. The workshop provides participants with a practical understanding of how to effectively write about their art including but not limited to the essential tools of artist statements, profile, biography, elevator pitch and CV. If you are needing the confidence and skills to take better advantage of opportunities that may arise beyond your studio, then this is the workshop for you.
How to connect with the marketplace and potential customers can be a challenging and perplexing question for visual artists. There are many options but how do you identify the right opportunities and take best advantage of them? This workshop aims to prepare artists to better market their visual arts/crafts practice. It will introduce participants to the essential principles of marketing, provide an understanding of the art world and arts customers and discuss the key elements of the marketing toolkit including pricing, promotion, distribution and branding. There is also a special segment about marketing and selling online. The workshop provides visual artists/crafters with the foundation information needed to better identify market opportunities and connect with the marketplace in order to enhance their arts business prospects.

Specialist Workshops

The RADF program is always amazing and ever-changing. This workshop is a great opportunity to induct new members onto your committee and/or ensure that all committee members, continuing and new, are on the same page in relation to the program in your community. In particular the workshop: looks at the principles of the RADF Program, local priorities and how it all works; outlines the role and responsibilities of RADF Committee members and Liaison Officer; reviews and discusses the application and assessment process and considers Outcome Reports and KPOs. For best affect this one day committee workshop can be paired with another Arts Management workshop on grant writing or project management or combined with specific 1 on 1 community consultations on proposed RADF projects. Combining the committee workshop with an RADF community briefing session is also a good option.
Good governance is central to ensuring that boards and committees of Not for Profit community groups are effective at leading the organisation they serve while also meeting their legal and compliance responsibilities. Whether you are currently sitting on a committee or thinking of it, this workshop provides a useful overview of the principles of good governance and the central themes of roles and responsibilities, policy, planning, financial control, leadership and stewardship. You’ll be given the tools to analyse your current capabilities and identify what needs to be done to ensure your committee is successful and sustainable. Being a member of a Board or Management Committee can bring many rewards as well as a few challenges. This workshop will bring the awareness, knowledge and understanding you need to stay on track.
Got a great idea but don’t quite know how to develop or shape it? These speed consultation sessions can be really useful in helping to clarify your thoughts, strengthening your idea, testing the feasibility and identifying resource options. Sessions are run in one hour blocks and can be run individually or with a group depending on your needs. Speed sessions are I hr in duration or for larger projects or larger groups, sessions can extend for up to a day.
Details to come. Enquiries Welcome.
Arts Council/Artslink organisations have been the backbone of arts and cultural development in regional and remote Queensland for 5 decades. Over the years in an ever-changing environment it has been difficult for local organisations to meeting the challenges and remain viable and sustainable. This 1.5 day workshop will begin with an extensive review process to understand the current situation and the current circumstances impacting on effective operations and governance. This will be followed by a creative ‘scenario planning’ session which will reaffirm purpose and aspirations and chart the course that will enable future success. The workshop will conclude with an action planning session to identify the practical things that can be done to start off on a fresh track.
Arts and cultural groups and associations are the backbone of cultural development and wellbeing in Queensland communities. Over the years in an ever-changing environment it has been difficult for local organisations to meeting the challenges and remain viable and sustainable. This 1.5 day workshop will begin with an extensive review process to understand the current situation and the circumstances impacting on effective operations and governance. This will be followed by a creative ‘scenario planning’ session which will reaffirm purpose and aspirations and chart the course that will enable future success. The workshop will conclude with an action planning session to identify the practical things that can be done to ensure you are heading in the right direction.
Details to come. Enquiries welcome.
Community events and festivals exist in an ever changing community environment. In this dynamic atmosphere how can your event remain relevant, viable and popular? Managing the process of change can be quite challenging and requires some thoughtful review and planning. This 1 day group workshop for event/festival organisers outlines the key steps in the review process including situation review and feasibility test, strategic alignment and considers future operations, positioning and partnerships. At the end of the session participants will have the tools to undertake a full review of their own event/festival and be able to identify the key actions needed to ensure future success.* *this one day workshop can be pared with follow up one-on-one detailed consultations with event organisers the following day.

Arts/Cultural Business Workshop Package  

(3 x 2 day workshops and arts/cultural business consultations)

Arts Business Workshop Package

Artists sometimes have difficulty thinking of themselves as a business. However, if you want to make money from your work and see your career grow, it is important to give some thought to basic business principles. This workshop is about taking more of a business-like perspective of your practise and career development, covering a range of introductory topics to get your thinking started. The workshop starts with an overview of the arts business world. Participants will then look at some of the preliminary work required to establish a business. A number of business models are discussed along with some practical exercises in developing a business profile. Participants are given the insight and tools to be able to begin to set up a functioning small business.
How to find more customers can be a challenging and perplexing question for artists/crafters. There are many options but how do you identify the right opportunities for you and take best advantage of them? This workshop aims to prepare artists/crafters to better connect with the marketplace and find their customers. This workshop explains what the mystery of marketing is all about in easy to understand (and apply) terms. Participants will gain an insight into the principles of marketing, learn how to identify and make a better connection with customers and get some practical advice on writing a marketing plan.
What comes next after setting up your arts business? Planning! There is no truer adage in business that ‘failing to plan is planning to fail.’ A business plan is a pathway to a successful business, charting a course through an often bumpy and unpredictable business world. This introductory workshop provides participants with an overview of the purpose and structure of a business plan. It takes a step by step approach to writing a plan and outlines in detail the key elements of a complete plan. At the end of the workshop participants will understand the benefits of a business plan and have the structure and tools needed to write a plan for their arts business.
Short & Sharp Workshops
Half-day Training Modules

Short Workshops

Writing a grant application can be a challenge at the best of times. It is highly competitive out there so what are the elements of a quality application that will maximise your chances of success? This workshop looks behind the writing process to identify and discuss the fundamentals of what makes a good application. Writing the actual application will become a breeze with a solid, well founded idea, the right fit with the grant program, a realistic budget and a clear understanding of project outcomes and how you measure them.
Unit 1: Small Business Foundations
  • Readiness, feasibility, start up essentials, structure
Unit 2: Running a Small Business
  • Setting up, finances, systems, tax, insurances, risk management, copyright
2 x ½ day sessions
Unit 1: Marketing Principles
  • Products, Packaging, Pricing, Placement, Promotion, Presentation, Process
Unit 2: Customers & the Marketplace
  • Customers, the marketplace, opportunities, supply, customer service
2 x ½ day sessions
Unit 1: Writing about and documenting your work
  • Artist Statements, Bio, CV, product descriptions, quality images]
Unit 2: Managing the media
  • Understanding the media, writing for media, social media & web sites
2 x ½ day sessions
Unit 1: Business Planning Foundations
  • Business context, vision, goals, direction
Unit 2: Business Planning Essentials
  • Operations, Management, Finances, Marketing/Sales
2 x ½ day sessions  
One on one business consultations
  • 1 x 50 minute session with each participant/business

Note: Workshops can be tailored, customised or especially written to suit your specific circumstances or needs.

Referees available on request.

For workshop and training inquiries of booking go to Contact page